Aims of our music programme
Our intent with our Music curriculum is to give all children practical experiences so that they can enjoy all aspects of Music. We believe Music is an important part of our wider curriculum that gives children opportunities to express themselves in different ways.
We enrich our Music curriculum with many opportunities for children to perform and develop a wide range of skills both inside and outside the classroom such as: class assembly performances; Rocksteady performances; singing, attending the local Music Festical.
Pupils' definition: Music teachers us that sounds helps us express ideas and emotions
What music looks like at F&B
Our school curriculum is built upon the National Curriculum and our chosen scheme is Charanga. This was selected because it provides a clear progression of all the skills and knowledge that we are required to teach. Many of our staff are non-specialist, and it enables them to access the subject knowledge needed to be highly effective in their teaching of Music.
In addition to following the Charanga scheme, we have an offer of instrument teaching through RockSteady, choir and are seeking peripatetic instrument teachers currently.
We give the children wider opportunities to perform to a larger audience such as class assemblies, nativity productions and Year 2 Leavers shows.
We are confident that the design of Charanga provides clear progression in all four strands of Music, but do as the cohort or skills require adapt this to best suit our learners needs. This progression enables formative assessment to further develop teaching and learning in Music. Charanga also gives clear indications of how to adapt lessons to challenge the more able and ensure everyone is included, including those with addition barriers and needs.
Music Outcomes at F&B
The impact of our Music curriculum is that when children leave F&B, they will have a love of music and increased levels of self-confidence. They will be inspired by different genres of music, analyse music and compose a variety of music.
- Pupils’ build class based evidence over time and is captured digitally on EvidenceMe
- Interviewing the pupils, Staff and parents about their learning (pupil, Staff and Parent voice).
- Moderation staff meetings where pupil’s work is scrutinised and there is the opportunity for a dialogue between teachers to understand their class’s work.
- Regular CPD sessions for all staff to develop their understanding of the curriculum and how to best deliver it.
- Annual reporting of standards across the curriculum