What English looks like at F&B
The teaching of English is taught as discrete lessons alongside the teaching of RWI in Key Stage 1. We use detailed English progression maps which set out coverage of core knowledge and skills and ensure teaching is progressive within year groups and across the school. The teaching of discrete English lessons are to ensure children are exposed to their year group objectives and can be accurately challenged and assessed by their own teacher. This is taught in a whole week block intermittently, once per half-term. When children are ready to move off the RWI programme they have English lessons daily. We explore and use a wide range of rich texts to inspire and engage children, taking them on a meaningful learning adventure. Our staff use a range of high-quality resources to are reflective of the pupils' needs and interests in each class such as Pobble 365 and Cornerstones to enthuse and motivate all children.
Children need a wide range of experiences to develop their understanding of written text in all its’ forms. Research shows that this should include active engagement with different media and genres of texts (EEF, 2017). In English, we allow for first-hand experiences, teachers to be flexible to follow children’s interests and provide creative learning experiences that engage and inspire children. We teach progressively in small steps, to build on prior knowledge in order to achieve a certain outcome over a set number of days or weeks. For example, we will teach children the use of appropriate and interesting adjectives, expanded noun phrases and exposure to similes, alongside engaging in purposeful role play and ‘hot seating’ which will lead to writing a character description. Within our English lessons children will be expected to engage regularly with reading activities, developing their comprehension skills by allowing them to give verbal and written predictions as well as retrieving and inferring from the text. We use 'No Nonsense' to ensure that specific grammar and spelling skills are taught both discretely within English lessons and across the curriculum. This is also regularly taught through the books or topic stimuli, making it more meaningful to children. Spelling of common exception words are recapped regularly throughout the week, providing many opportunities for children to practise the taught spellings at word and sentence level.