School Lunches
Winter Menu 2024/25
School meals are provided by Hertfordshire Catering Ltd and fully comply with stringent national nutritional standards. Universal free school meals for children up to Year 2 mean that every child gets a free lunch from Reception to Year 2. All meals and snacks are free. Nursery children are required to pay for their meals and the price is £2.61 at 1/4/25. This will ensure that our school is fully compliant with the stringent national standards and that all children have a healthy balanced meal in the middle of the school day. You can choose from a hot option, or a cold option which we call our school packed lunch. All children can access our salad bar. Please follow the link below to 'Hertfordshire Catering School Meals' where you can view a menu.
If your child has a medically-diagnosed food allergy or intolerance Herts Catering Ltd can provide a special menu. To request a special menu please follow this link to their website, medical evidence will need to be provided. If you have any concerns about your child's eating, please discuss this with us so that we can ensure we are ready to cater for you.
Children are invited to bring a clear water bottle into school each day filled with water only. Fresh drinking water is available throughout the day to refill a bottle. Bottles must be taken home and washed each day.
Drinking water is provided at lunchtime on each table and children are invited to pour this themselves from freshly prepared water jugs.
Milk is supplied free of charge by the government to under-fives and by the EU at a subsidised rate to five-to-eleven year olds. All milk has to be ordered through the provider Dairy link No other drinks are allowed in school.
The school participates in the National Health Service Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Schools scheme. A piece of fresh fruit or vegetable is provided by the NHS free of charge to children in the Foundation Stage (ages 3 to 5) and Key Stage 1 (ages 5 to 7).