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Meet the Governors

Welcome from Zoe Callan, Chair of Governors: At the end of the last school year, we said goodbye to some very long-standing and respected members of the governing board. After 16 years as a governor, our Chair of Governors, Sarah Evans, decided to step down. She was a knowledgeable and valued member of the team, and we would like to thank her for all her support for the school and wish her the best of luck with her future endeavours. I will be replacing Sarah as Chair of Governors and we are lucky enough to welcome back Lucy Strutt, a very experienced governor, who will join me in overseeing safeguarding procedures at F&B. We also have a new Associate Governor, Hannah Craig, who will use her considerable knowledge of special educational needs and inclusion to support the inclusion team at F&B.

Every governor on the board has a subject or area to focus on. We support the teachers by meeting each term to talk through plans, observe lessons and look at data. As outsiders, we can give the teachers different feedback to the that which they receive from colleagues in school and hopefully help them deliver the best education possible for their pupils. Each term, a different governor will write a short update on their subject for Mr Wells’ newsletter to keep you informed of what the governors have been doing to support the school.

One of the most important things the governing board does is oversee the school’s budget. F&B’s budget is well managed, but we know there are challenges coming for all schools, and we are supporting the head and monitoring spending to ensure that F&B is in the best position to meet these challenges.

F&B and Reedings have an amazing PTA – this has taken some pressure off the main school budget and enabled the school, for example, to buy all the resources needed for Read, Write, Inc and to fix the pond in the conservation area. A massive thank you to the amazing PTA organisers, but also to the volunteers and all the parents who contribute and support the events!

Below you will find a list of the governing body and our roles and responsibilities. We currently have two vacancies for co-opted governors (community governors who are not already connected to the school). If you, or someone you know, would be interested in becoming a co-opted governor, please contact the school to get more information about the role.

Current Governors as of September 2023: 

Sarah Evans: Chair and Zoe Callan Vice-Chair




Early Years

Martha Sarjeant

Lucy Strutt


Esther Potma

Chris Male


Martha Sarjeant

Salvatore Pagededes


Tanya Ogle

Chris Male & Hannah Craig


Joanne Brooker

Andrew Dongworth


Charlotte Brennan

Zoe Callan


Holly King

James Catchpole


Anna Nerkowski

Zoe Callan & Megan Sutton


Holly King

James Catchpole

Art/ DT

Isobelle Ancient

Megan Sutton


Krissy Smith 

Luke Neocleous


Niovi Atukorala

Megan Sutton

Mental Health

Jo Brooker & Esther Potma 

Hannah Craig


Lee Wells

Zoe Callan

Lucy Strutt


Aimee Jones

James Catchpole

Hannah Craig

Health and Safety

Lee Wells

Luke Neocleous

Resources committee (up to 6 members)

  • James Catchpole (Chair)
  • Luke Neocleous (VC)
  • Chris Male
  • Zoe Callan
  • Andrew Dongworth
  • Hannah Craig

Governor Development

  • Zoe Callan
  • James Catchpole

Health & Safety

  • Luke Neocleous


  • James Catchpole
  • Andrew Dongworth
  • Megan Sutton


  • James Catchpole
  • Luke Neocleous
  • Zoe Callan
  • Andrew Dongworth
  • Megan Sutton
  • Hannah Craig


  • Chris Male

Head’s Performance Management

  • Zoe Callan
  • Lucy Strutt

Equalities, Inclusion,  Vulnerable Groups, Safeguarding and Children Looked After

  • James Catchpole
  • Hannah Craig

Data Protection Officer

  • Zoe Callan


Fawbert and Barnard Infants' School Constitution

If spaces are shown in the table below, this indicates places within the constitution which can optionally be filled.  Where vacancies are shown, this indicates places within the constitution which should be filled.




Nominating Authority

First Appointed

Term Start

Term End








Lee Wells


21 Feb 2022










Parent governors






Mr James Catchpole


16 Oct 2020

16 Oct 2020

15 Oct 2024


Andrew Dongworth

Parent Body

13 Oct 2022

13 Oct 2022

12 Oct 2026


Mr Chris Male


18 Oct 2017

17 Oct 2021

17 Oct 2025


Zoe Russell


14 Oct 2023

14 Oct 2023

22 Oct 2027


Megan Sutton

Parent Body

13 Oct 2022

13 Oct 2022

12 Oct 2026








Staff governors






Aimee Jones


14 Oct 2023

 Oct 2023

14 Sep 2027








Co-opted governors






Siobhan Chester


13 Oct 2022

13 Oct 2022

12 Oct 2026


Luke Neocleous


30 Mar 2022

30 Mar 2022

29 Mar 2026


Mrs Rosemary Shaw


13 Oct 2016

12 Oct 2020

12 Oct 2024


Lucy Stutt


01 Nov 2023

01 Nov 2023

01 Nov 2027


Vacancy (2)












Local Authority Governors






Courtney Hudson


30 Mar 2022

30 Mar 2022

29 Mar 2026


Associate Governors





  Hannah Craig   01 Nov 2023 01 Nov 2023 01 Nov 2027


Committee Structure

Governors’ Committee Structure 2022-23

The Governing Body of Fawbert & Barnard Infants' School has a structure whereby every governor is a member of the Full Governing Body Committee.

Chair of Governors: Zoe Callan

Clerk to the Governors: Sarah Lily

There is a subcommittee structure, consisting of one committee:

Resources Committee - Chaired by James Catchapole